Hear Ye! Hear Ye! JCB #1864 Moran Building Open for the Big Game, Restrictions Apply…

The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! JCB #1864 Moran Building Open for the Big Game, Restrictions Apply…

JCB #1864 is opening the Hall for the private use of Brothers of ECV and their Widders (Wife or Girlfriend, not both) on Sunday the 11th of February at 2:30. 

It’s rumored that there is a Big Game that day (we shall not use the term $uper 8owl as it’s a licensed trademark, but Swiftey Bowl sounds fun), and we figured it would be nice to share the fun. 

The bar will be open. And we’d like to have food, potluck style, so bring a dish or snack if you can. 

Guests will be restricted to “prospects” and their potential future widders. The general public will not be allowed in, as this is not a general public event, and is restricted to Clampers. 

Remember, if the ECV flag is flying on the front porch, the Bar is open to members…(unless the Grand Musician forgot to take the flag down at a prior event)…
